I wish they would meet sooner also, but perhaps this morning is the time needed for the Lord to change their hearts.
Just a reminder again, that the Florida Senate votes today at 1:00 p.m. on HB 701, the Starvation and Dehydration of Persons with Disabilities Act. Just ONE more senator needs to be convinced to vote for Terri. Let's implore them to vote for the helpless and innocent.
I think we also need to let President Bush and Governor Bush know we fully support their stepping in. Their contact information is below.
alexander.jd.web@Flsenate.gov; bennett.mike.web@flsenate.gov; argenziano.nancy.web@flsenate.gov; bullard.larcenia.web@flsenate.gov; campbell.walter.web@flsenate.gov; carlton.lisa.web@flsenate.gov; dawson.mandy.web@flsenate.gov; dockery.paula.web@flsenate.gov; jones.dennis.web@flsenate.gov; king.james.web@flsenate.gov; lynn.evelyn.web@flsenate.gov; sunders.burt.web@flsenate.gov
This is their Phone numbers and Fax lists:
JD Alexander (Majority Whip) 850-487-5044 alexander.jd.web@Flsenate.gov fax (888) 263-3869 and (district office) (863)679-4413
Nancy Argenziano 850-487-5017 argenziano.nancy.web@flsenate.gov fax (352) 860-5177
Michael S. Bennett 850-487-5078 bennett.mike.web@flsenate.gov fax (850) 487-5486 and (dist off) (941) 727-6352
Larcenia J. Bullard 850-487-5127 bullard.larcenia.web@flsenate.gov fax (850) 487-5450 and (dist off) (305) 668-7346
Walter G. Campbell 850-487-5094 campbell.walter.web@flsenate.gov (850) 487-5394 and (dist off) (954) 346-2815
Lisa Carlton 850487-5081 850-487-5081 carlton.lisa.web@flsenate.gov fax (850) 487-5406 and (dist off) (941) 486-2050
M. Mandy Dawson 850-487-5112 dawson.mandy.web@flsenate.gov fax (850) 487-5841 and (dist off) (954) 467-4331
Paula Dockery 850-487-5040 dockery.paula.web@flsenate.gov fax (850) 487-5385 and (dist off) (863) 413-2902
Dennis L. Jones 850-487-5065 jones.dennis.web@flsenate.gov fax (850) 487-5182 and (dist off) (727) 549-6413
James E. King Jr. 850-487-5030 king.james.web@flsenate.gov fax (850) 487-5368 and (dist off) (904) 727-3603
Evelyn J. Lynn 850-487-5033 lynn.evelyn.web@flsenate.gov fax (850) 487-5842 and (dist off) (386) 676-4002
Burt L. Sanders 850-487-5124 sunders.burt.web@flsenate.gov fax (888) 263-7893 and (dist off) (239) 417-6223
Also the Governor's and President's info.
Governor Jeb Bush
Fax: 850/487-0801
White House:
Phone Numbers
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
Comments: 202-456-6213
Visitors Office: 202-456-2121
President George W. Bush: president@whitehouse.gov
Vice President Richard Cheney: vice.president@whitehouse.gov
soften the hearts of those who should know better,
who know that right is different from might,
that justice requires mercy,
that truth is not legal fiction,
that allowing life to be murdered
on the altar of bad law is abhorrent.
open the doors for Terri,
sustain her this day,
keep her in the palm of your hand,
I ask this in the blessed name of Jesus,