To: Coop
Please see my post #16. I'm on your side. Personally I believe whether or not Mrs. Schiavo will "recover" is completely irrelevant.
To: sola_fide
If it's an overwhelming consensus, then produce some links please.
24 posted on
03/22/2005 9:39:30 AM PST by
(In memory of a true hero - Pat Tillman)
To: sola_fide
No, no, no. You call the guy a quack, you have to produce evidence of quackery. He is a board certified neurologist in Florida. His methods have been challenged by other neurologists and a complaint filed against him. The Florida Board of Medicine dismissed the complaint.
31 posted on
03/22/2005 9:42:09 AM PST by
To: sola_fide
I'm on your side. Sorry, but I'm not buying that.
58 posted on
03/22/2005 9:52:58 AM PST by
(In memory of a true hero - Pat Tillman)
To: sola_fide
Personally I believe whether or not Mrs. Schiavo will "recover" is completely irrelevant.
I totally agree with you. She has the right to live in her own present state. They should not base the decision to overturn judge Greer on those grounds.. and I'm absolutely outraged that they are. The absolute blatant conflict of interest, and the corrupt judge firing one GAL and over-riding the recommendations of the second one (he requested swallowing tests) dismissing the bone scans and any investigation of abuse, etc.. etc.. is reason enough!!
98 posted on
03/22/2005 10:09:55 AM PST by
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