Unfortunately many of these district court judges think it is their place to second guess 535 members of congress who all have sworn a duty to uphold the constitution. The fact is that this judge has no place in doing anything other than the law requires him to do and that is to conduct a de-Novo review, which he has so far refused to do.
It seemed to me that the whole point of Congress' act was to get the federal court system to review all of the data: that which was included, that which was excluded, and that which is new.
It amazes me that that is being refused.
There is something rotten in Florida and in this case.
My husband is a retired police officer. He worked with a man for many years who moved here from Clearwater, Florida . This man said that he couldn't take working there as an officer anymore because of the "good ol' boy system" that is prevalent there in the police departments and in the judiciary. It's all about "who you know," and "where you could go." There is NO SUCH THING as following the law there.