I just wonder how much those polled actually know about this particular case? I would wager not much. I believe a poll among those who have followed this case closely for the last few months would be more telling.
Yup. Even many conservatives who are ordinarily well-informed have passed on reading anything about this issue. Death makes people uncomfortable, particularly non-religious people, so they simply avoid the issue and will tend to side with what they perceive as the majority media opinion. Or with the courts.
Most Americans don't follow anything too closely. My gut feel is that they treat the case as if she were on life support and the husband wants the plug pulled, which is not the case.
I think the reason for the 'strong' opinions are people's fears that the government will get in the way of families' ability to handle these issues themselves as they see fit. In fact, I have seen posters here on FR saying that loved ones should never have the right to make such a decision.
The poll also does not ask the right questions in regards to the situation. And, if the poll is so accurate, why are the democrats basically not putting up a fight? Why are the democrats in the senate just allowing this vote? The answer is because they know its a losing issue.
Right! This is not an ordinary cut and dried case. There are circumstances that the general public doesn't have a clue about unless they inform themselves and I think this poll just might have run across these particular people.