I don't want to sound callous, but maybe the problem is living in rural Iowa. Why not move?
To Mumbai?
No. The problem isn't rural Iowa. The problem is that I haven't been working for $5/hr that someone in Bombay works for. There's always cheaper, but not necessarily better. That's where all of our wages are heading if this trend continues.
I live in rural Iowa, but I travel to the job. I've worked in Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Kansas, Georgia, Virginia and DC. The problem isn't the location, the problem is that the jobs have disappeared.
The whole psychology of outsourcing is that American workers should be working at the lowest wage that can be found anywhre in the world. If American IT people worked for $10/hr, outsourcing would still be happening because companies bottom lines would still look better if they were working at $5/hr so jobs would still be shipped out.
Don't kid yourself. Outsourcing is about $$$. Nothing else.