To: Miss Behave
By the same token, why don't we just kill all paraplegics, quadriplegics, people who had strokes, get Alzheimer's, or other neurological diseases, not to mention cancer and so on.
Let's just select the one who are "fit" mentally and physically, as defined by some judges, and kill everyone else?
I am being sarcastic, of course, but the extension is not that far, from Terri's case. She left NO living will and she is NOT on life support -- she is merely being given food.
All the above mentioned disable people can't feed themselves, so let's just kill them all. I am sure that is the precedence the "death culture" people are trying to establish, using poor Terri as their unwitting victim.
1,629 posted on
03/20/2005 12:55:12 AM PST by
To: FairOpinion
By the same token, why don't we just kill all paraplegics, quadriplegics, people who had strokes, get Alzheimer's, or other neurological diseases, not to mention cancer and so on. Though I can understand others concerns about having congress step in on this case
And Though I may not like it if they state in a living will or whatever to have the plug pulled .. I would respect their wishes
But by allowing Judge Geer and Michael Schaivo to do this to Terry, when there is only hear say from Michael's brother .. which in a normal court would not be allowed
Well this country will go down a slippery slope that will come back and haunt them for years to come
1,636 posted on
03/20/2005 1:02:11 AM PST by
(Why can't the public see Terry - What are they afraid of ??)
To: FairOpinion
"using poor Terri as their unwitting victim." ---I take this to the level of human sacrifice. These people are barbarians who will take their desire for an Utopian society to a level of human regulation and in the words of the Scientologist, "audits," until human beings will have no more dignity than a pesky insect. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson