Posted on 03/16/2005 10:20:58 PM PST by FairOpinion
The U.S. House passed legislation late yesterday to delay removal of the feeding tube that is keep- ing alive a brain-damaged woman whose husband has been given permission by a state court to allow her to die.
The House bill, passed on a voice vote, would move such a case to federal court. Federal judges have twice turned down efforts by Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, to move the case out of Florida courts, citing a lack of jurisdiction.
Republicans in the U.S. Senate are introducing a separate bill to give Schiavo and her family standing in federal court, and they hope it can be debated today, a GOP aide said.
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Yes, you are right. Pulling the plug means someone is brain dead (at least that is what I believed it meant - might mean anything now with the happy/healthy crowd making decisions for the plugees).
Withdrawing the tube is starving someone. This is a cruel two week process that is not an easy death. If you do this to her, what about withdrawing feeding from children who cannot feed themselves? What about any number of "what ifs"?
I never said do, I asked a question.
Who, what, when where and how.
I apologize to you for being rude. What you said did really rub me the wrong way. Our emotions are very high on this subject. We are really trying to save the disabled from being murdered. I hope you will forgive me.
"Do you believe it is the government's responsibility to ensure that everyone has food and water?"
To answer your question, no. But that is not what is going on here and it is not the arguement that her "husband" and the court are making.
Her parents have said that they want to take over responsiblity for Terri, they've been begging for it. Private charity groups have offered to help out as well.
So it is not the government's responsiblity to ensure that Terri has food and water but is also definitely NOT within their authority to prevent others from providing it for her.
Another question, another day.
People are denied health care - but they are not killed willfully. This is murder we are talking about and I feel you are sharp enough to understand why we feel it is wrong. If not, you should be ashamed.
We all buy our health care.
Good Night. :)
You are asking questions as a means of promoting the view that once someone is too costly, they should be subject to "the powers" deciding that they do not need to live.
You give it away because you always come back with a negative thrown in which points out the opposing view (under the guize of asking questions).
Why do you wish to promote "someone" judging when others have to die? Is that the freedom we are fighting for? Sounds more like a dictatorship to me.
Yes, and it is not the state's authority to allow a "husband" to commit murder based on hearsay. In fact, even if she wanted it done, it still puts the person doing it in the position of committing murder. Who wants that position?
I also apologize. It appears after all that you and I are on the same page. I can see where my earlier post prompted your reaction. I guess I still have not found peace with being a carereceiver instead of a caregiver. Thanks.
Thank you.
And somewhere out there Dr Kevorkian is beaming with pride as his twisted worldview is in the process of becoming law.
Here are my questions?
Who, what, when where and how
When did I become evil?
she was the most proud woman you will ever meet.... or know or even become aware of!!!
And then one day, no more..................
now you shit on the floor and you run for that!!
My "Sainted" Mother shit on the floor twice and she would rather have died than to do it once..........
she went to Jersey and Susans house to die and she did just that, she died.
It's like Jimmy Cagney says "if you got notin, you got notin"!
Why can't Jeb Bush use executive authority and just put a couple of state troopers in there with pistols pointed at any nurse who won't feed her?
How do you know that I didn't do exactly that?
You are striking out at me, OK...
Tell me what are you really angry about?
"How do you know that I didn't do exactly that?"
Exactly what?
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