I am listening to Sen. Martinez on Hannity right now and he says that even Sens. Harkin, and Lieberman are on board to help get Terri's bill passed and he is optomistic about it!!!
3 posted on 03/16/2005 2:18:52 PM PST by Txsleuth
(Mark Levin for Supreme Court Chief Justice!)
I am listening to Sen. Martinez on Hannity right now and he says that even Sens. Harkin, and Lieberman are on board to help get Terri's bill passed and he is optomistic about it!!!
In God's name, Amen.
22 posted on 03/16/2005 7:59:55 PM PST by hattend
(Liberals! Beware the Perfect Rovian Storm [All Hail the Evil War Monkey King, Chimpus Khan!])