I'm afraid, dear cat, that you have been smoking some of that illegal substance again. All doctors who have examined her -- that is ALL, including the parents' doctors -- agree that her brain is gone, dissolved, nonexistent and replaced by spinal fluid. All that is left is her brain stem.
The disagreement -- the only disagreement -- is that the parents' doctors contend -- without an ounce of support in any medical literature anywhere -- that a few of the cells in her brain stem might be able to be trained with enough 'experimental therapy.'
This is not the case of a normal functioning individual who simply can't communicate (ala TV). This is a human with no brain whom some people want to keep force fed and in diapers forever in surface to a physical-life-at-any-cost premise.
She did not want this.
You might want to talk to Salamander about this. Doctors reading those CT scans reached the same conclusion.