It is not unusual for the news media to make such a big deal out of nothing -especially if the nothing is like a train wreck and sensationally homosexual in nature.
This news being trumpeted around the world is actually insignificant as the court ruling does nothing substantive toward advancing the cause to legitimate the illegitimate and will not stop the inevitable California constitutional ban or Federal Constitutional ban.
Activist Judge Richard Kramer said the state's historical definition of marriage cannot justify the denial of marriage licenses for homosexual couples. -shocking!
His ruling was in response to lawsuits filed last March by the city of San Francisco and several homosexual activist groups after the state supreme court stopped city officials from illegally issuing 'marriage' licenses to homosexuals. This Judge has now decided the existing California law that Mayor Gavin Newsome and his fellow homosexual activists defiantly violated is now suddenly unconstitutional?
Regardless of all the hype -this is just a bump in the road for Californians that are working to ban all homosexual 'unions' -this bump will likely embolden the banning effort further. A pair of bills now before the California legislature will put a constitutional amendment banning homosexual 'marriage' on the November ballot, which will put the issue out of the control of lawmakers and the courts.
I am certain there are 5 votes on the USSC-and there may be six-to overturn any state bans, and in essence to require gay "marriage".
I hope californians wise up and also ban the civil unions too.