WHY are you so angry at me?
Why not direct your anger and discontent at DOING SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR not wanting to change and learn new technology?
There's no reason you can't join a start up or create one. THese people with noney that you despiste, venture capitalists could help you get going. Then again, it might no be for you since you don't want to upgrade yourself to something other than what you are doing now.
You see, you've determined your own fate. All you want to do is whine about things. This seems to make you the happiest. I really thing you'd find more comfort on the DU. At the DU they have the same tired, bitter outlook, complete with class envy.
WHY are you so angry at me?
Why not direct your anger and discontent at DOING SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR not wanting to change and learn new technology?
There's no reason you can't join a start up or create one. These people with money that you despise, venture capitalists, could help you get going. Then again, it might no be for you since you don't want to upgrade yourself to something other than what you are doing now.
You see, you've determined your own fate. All you want to do is whine about things. It's the disappointed ENTITELMENT mindset. This mindset seems to make you the happiest. I really think you'd find more comfort at the DU. At the DU they have the same tired, bitter outlook, complete with class envy.
While you remain mired with liberaltitus others are passing you by. Ten years from now, if you last that long, you'll still be singing the same bitter lament - that is IF you last that long which I guarantee you will NOT. If it doesn't show in your work yet, it will. No one needs you attitude. There's too many others willing to do your job with some enthusiasm and most likely BETTER.
I've wasted enough time on you. BTW, did you know your anger and bitterness affect your health? It does! It shortens your life and causes other health problems. Need I mention how others will or are starting to avoid you? Let me be the first to let you know that's why I'm moving on from your circular rant.