There are other issues you know. Would you vote for a pro-gay, anti-military, anti-american candidate that happened to be pro-life? If so, then you would vote for Harry Reid for President. One would hope that we are a big tent party to the extent that pro-life conservatives realize that not voting for the Republican nominee hands to Presidency back to the Michael Moore crowd. These are serious times, and Condi is the toughest potential President out there period. Sign that woman up!
That is exactly who the DNC will be running in 2008: Hillary Clinton.
You provide for me a set of false choices. There would be others running other than those which you set before me. Life becomes the tantamount issue. After that I can vote my pocketbook, or my views on the military, or my views on homosexuality, but I don't believe homosexual babies (if they exist), or babies of antimilitary parents, or babies of tax and spend parents should be killed whimsically. When winning an election is substituted for supremacy of the sanctity of life, you have slipped over to the democrat column. I cannot, will not allow myself the luxury of winning at that price.
No, but I wouldn't vote for someone who's good on all other issues - but is pro-abortion. Just like I wouldn't vote for someone who's good on a range of issues, but happens to be a racist, and favors segregation. Or somebody who's good on military, patriotism, = but happens to be an antisemite. I expect you wouldn't either. For me, being pro-abortion is the same kind of deal-killer