"St. Jude is awesome!"
St. Jude does not answer prayers, God does.
God is Who deserves ALL the praise and thanksgiving for answered prayer.
Isa.42:8 - I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another...
"St. Jude does not answer prayers, God does."
Sure, but St. Jude can interceed for a cause. He is awesome, since he prays for us to God every time we ask him to.
It's like us here asking each other to pray for Terri. The more of us pray, the better for Terri. Only we here on Earth can forget to pray or pray not enough. But if you ask saints in heaven, they will always pray, and they are close to God.
Also, praying directly to God is worshiping & asking. Praying to saints is asking them to interceed for us and giving thanks for past intercessions. You don't worship saints, that would be idolatory. But you can love them like you love your family, talk to them and ask them for prayers.