Has the left won really???? The academy awards perhaps but the worldwide audience does not pay to see what they promote as good.
2)Return of the King
3)Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
4)Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
5)Star Wars Episode I
6)Shrek 2
7)Jurassic Park
8)Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets
9)Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
10)Finding Nemo
12)Independence Day
14)Harry Potter: Prizoner of Azkaban
15)Spider-man 2
16)Lion King
17)Star Wars
18)Matrix Reloaded
19)Forrest Gump
20)6th Sense
21)Pirates of the Caribbean
22)Star Wars: Episode II
23)The Incredibly
24)The Lost World: Jurasssic Park
25)The Passion of the Christ
26)Men in Black
28)Mission Impossible II
29)Day After Tomorrow
30)Star Wars: The Empire Strikes back
31)Monsters Inc.
32)Terminator 2
37)Toy Story 2
38)Bruce Almighty
40)Saving Private Ryan
41)Meet the Fockers
42)Home Alone
43)Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
44)Indiana Jones: Last Crusade
46)Pretty Woman
47)The Matrix
49)Last Samurai
50)Mission Impossible
Not a whole lot of Hollywood's cutting edge movies make money, what we basically have are Kids movies, good v evil, love stories, Disaster flicks, Action, Fantasy and Sci-fi, out of control animals and robots couple of comedies and more kids flicks where there is not a whole lot of grey, good trumps over evil.
So when Hollywood wants to make money they are pretty tame, but when they want to pat themselves on the back, nobody watches.
Most of the 'cutting edge' stuff is actually made by indies outside of Hollywood.