But of course this is just one guy who says Iraqis attempted to bribe him. No corroborating information, other than one little article (and constant barragement by FoxNews with this none story later today and the next few weeks doesn't count either). And of course there's the minor issue of no WMDs having been found (and please no vial in a refrigerator stories, I'm talking about the thousands of pounds and liters that were supposedly unaccounted for). Also please note the person did not accept the bribe and
still did not find WMDs. If I were Tariq Aziz I'd be offering money to make sure I got the best possible report so my nation wasn't needlessly attacked as well. It's human nature. Oh, but I forgot the WMDs were being shipped to
Iraq, fill in the blank of a Middle Eastern nation...Which nation was it that had to be attacked next to 'defend freedom' or whatever the current excuse is?
When exactly did the switch happen that to be called conservative one had to quit calling for limited government only to be replaced with a feeling of false nationalism? 'Spreading democracy' isn't a conservative function.