Posted on 03/10/2005 11:57:10 AM PST by ButThreeLeftsDo
I have heard that robin pie is quite good.
I agree that he might not be too happy if his dog got loose and was shot by someone.
I also have a 'stray'...she's the best cat I ever had. Cats don't want to be 'feral' or 'stray'. They want a home and they go to people asking for food and shelter. And some people have the temerity to shoot them? It's so unbelievable to me.
How do you made cat stew?
Hide the catnip...
Me thinks thou art chumming the Freeper water. I, for one, newbie though I am, will not rise to your bait.
Excellent point.
Hee hee hee hee. Knee slapper, that one.
Ok you gave me a good chuckle!
Probably not. A couple of years ago I had a run in with three dogs whose owner had let them go wild. Fortunately, I did not have to kill them, but if they had attacked me, instead of merely trying to corner me, and I was forced to kill them, the dog owner would have come out and found the corpses of his dogs on his car, along with a nasty-gram about how he was about to be sued.
Have two of the strangest cats in the world,both strays.One of my boys picked up a stray Lab\Chow pup which the female cat raised.Now that is a strang dog..But a good dog.
I think the problem is being sure which ones are really feral. If "no collar" is all that's needed for a cat to be shot legally, then cat-hating hunters will just remove the collar afterwards and surreptitiously dispose of it. My cats never leave the house without a collar that has both rabies vaccination tag and nametag with my phone number, and I don't think anybody's should, but I don't think people who enjoy going around shooting cats can be trusted not to tamper with them.
Don't hate me.
In fact, I LOVE cats!
(especially bbqed...)
(just KIDDING! You said you like bad jokes...heh...)
Cool. You have great cats.
My cats come and go freely through their cat door. They have all their shots, and wear collars with tags. The oldest is 19 and in excellent health -- I found him 17 years ago, neutered, declawed, skinny, and obviously abandoned. Even declawed, he's come to no harm outdoors. When he was younger he used to visit close neighbors' yards, but for many years now, he's stuck to his own.
I don't understand all the fuss. Go to any county pound and you will find that unclaimed dogs are being gassed every day due to public health concerns. In fact there are many more dogs and cats than people. Offing a few due to public health concerns is no big deal. But of course the enviro-whackos would rather be gassing people so that this land could return to its pre-indian state.
"Blue state hate."
Well, I'm from the majority RED part of Wisconsin. We only lost to Kerry by 11,841 votes...10,000+ (so far) of which are being found to be fraudulent in Milwaukee and Dane counties.
Now that I've defended MY honor, I agree with the feral cat hunting. It's getting lots of news now, and will continue to if the legislature passes it (highly unlikely) but to call for this man's DEATH over this? How wacked is that? Very wacked.
But, when it involves bleeding heart liberals, it's usually the libs calling for someone's blood in the name of the "common good." You know; anyone they disagree with on any issue, aborted babies, euthanized old folks and the mentally disabled, criminals they've worked so hard to "rehabilitate" being released to again kill cops and more citizens, etc.
I hope they can trace the phone calls and threats. I hope they keep it up and someone's arrested and locked up as an example.
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