Sorry, 5 years is a long time ago for me. So once - a life time ago - he was the bee's knees. Is that your argument? In any case he is not as big a fish as I see him made out to be. He was not an opinion swayer the way Cronkite was or as "beloved" as Brokaw is or as "respected" as Jennings is.
Oh, ok no problem. I was looking at the whole picture.
...Is that your argument?
If you are arguing, fine. I was debating with the facts, and going back more than a year or so.
In any case he is not as big a fish as I see him made out to be.
You are right about that. But he was a major propagandist for years with a respectable venue to sway the public and elections with a false and misleading agenda for more than a quarter of a century.(Sorry, I know this is a long time ago for you.)
He is and was a supporter of communizm and socializm and liberalizm.
So yes, he is just a tadpole, but he influenced people like a big ol' BullFrog.