Boy, it would be a damn shame if some of those ACLU city folks got lost out there in that big ol' desert. A damn shame!
A guy I know was Elk hunting up by Jackson Hole Wyoming.
Some anti-hunters started following them, so he and his son went back to their pickup and got their backpacks. They then walked into the forest until it started to get dark.
They then got out their sleeping bags and tents and prepared to spend the night. The anti-hunters didn't have any supplies so he took them some plastic sheets to use as a tent. They then got into their tents and went to sleep.
About 3:00 in the morning he checked and saw that the anti-hunters were asleep. He and his son packed up their stuff and left the area. They went about their hunting and returned to their pickup.
It took the Forest Service two days to find the anti-hunters. They were cold and hungry when they were found.