I have the same questions. I would like to see it that your 401K and/or private retirement funding is available after X years of starting it, not at some arbitrary age set by the gov't.
However, I will take the wildly unpopular view that the SS age SHOULD be raised. SS was not meant to be what people retired on, it was meant to take care of the elderly and infirmed, who had lived past life expectancy. If SS followed it original intentions, and not gov't supported retirement it has turned into, the SS age would currently be over 80.
"I have the same questions. I would like to see it that your 401K and/or private retirement funding is available after X years of starting it, not at some arbitrary age set by the gov't."
If we approve the Fairtax, then these questions would be moot! I would be willing to sacrifice all of my SS contributions to date (20 years worth), with no expectation of returns, if I would be allowed to opt out of the system. Of course, I don't have any expectations of a return anyway, so I guess that isn't very heroic!