>>>....Invest in education, training, child-care, domestic violence, mental health and substance abuse services programs which are known to help lift people out of poverty and help them become self-sufficient.<<<<
you're kidding right? the fix for this is NOT more Gvt spending - of any kind. the fix is less Gvt meddling and less Gvt programs and less Gvt enforcing of UNconstitutional bull hockey. all the socialist programs you just listed are UN Agendas. so you were correct in asserting you are an ex - patriot. and by the way, if you are convicted of domestic abuse you will never be allowed to own a firearm again under federal law. nice huh? the fix is not more Gvt. it is a matter of someone getting hungry enough to get off their lazy butt and go get a job - that's the best "program" for lifting people out of poverty. that and not to tax them to death when they do go to work, but to let them enjoy the fruits of their labor.
The point was to not make things worse by further supporting legislation to artificially prop up the institution of marriage. Those enumerated programs do indeed work, in my view, to varying degrees and do not contribute to an unequal playing field if administered properly (domestic violence is the big one with a capital PROPERLY). No societal institution can flourish if not on a level playing field...
The point is the presumption of equal parenting rights. The point is the 14th amendment..