Hmmm, who to believe - our US military men/women, or an avowed America-loathing Communist?
Who do you think our great MSM would believe? Hmmmm!
Our guys guarding that checkpoint did exactly the right thing. A vehicle approaching a checkpoint at a high rate of speed, ignoring signals to stop, would be fired on by any soldier, any army, anywhere.
The sad part of this is, because this woman is "a journalist", our mainstream media will defend this woman and use this episode to continue their condemnation of our military!
Our "journalist" will never tell the American public the true facts about this episode because they hate the military, and they will never let the facts get in the way of a good story, or a good lie!
Wow. What incredible marksmen those eeeeevil US Troops are: 300-400 rounds and only on gets him right in the temple. What an incredible coincidence!