The Socialists are not going to admit who they are and the Republicans haven't got the guts to call them on it. A moron like Orin Hatch will continue to call Kennedy "My good friend.
The Republicans are very happy to embrace Socialists who are destroying our country with their Govt. programs. The Republicans are appeasers
Do you realize that in the last election if the Republicans had been running a candidate against Kerry that Kerry would would be president today. .Read my tagline for clarification on this. - tom
I'm reminded of a George Carlin line,about the senate."They have their own code in the senate"said he."When you hear one of them saying 'my esteemed colleague',what he means is 'that c*** s***** over there' ".Always with the foul language,he
On the other hand,civility is neccessary in politics.Although I have problems with Hatch,his decorum is not one of them.I doubt they're friends at all.Sean Hannity has jumped into that BS about "good friends" with both feet,I'm tired of hearing it.