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To: Pendragon_6; Taxman; Principled; EternalVigilance; rwrcpa1; phil_will1; kevkrom; n-tres-ted; Zon; ..

"When you have a tax, where you pay the same tax whether you're wealthy or you're poor," Rangel said, "that's not fair."

The gift that never stops giving.


A Taxreform bump for you all.

If you would like to be added to this ping list let me know.

John Linder in the House(HR25) & Saxby Chambliss Senate(S25), offer a comprehensive bill to kill all income and SS/Medicare payroll taxes outright, and provide a IRS free replacement in the form of a retail sales tax:

A bill to promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national retail sales tax to be administered primarily by the States.

Refer for additional information:

30 posted on 03/05/2005 8:40:02 AM PST by ancient_geezer (Don't reform it, Replace it!!)
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To: ancient_geezer

Can you post that graph of effective Fair Tax rates by spending level?

32 posted on 03/05/2005 8:41:31 AM PST by Principled
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To: ancient_geezer

Rangel responded that any tax of that nature, such as a national sales tax, would be an injustice.

An injustice that the producers would no longer be sacrificed to the less productive and welfare wards of the State.

.To Charles Rangel and those of his ilk, they are so unqualified and incompetent that they're blind to the madness of their ways. 

However, there is the possibility that Rangel and others do know that the error of their methods but don't care so long as they continue to receive their unearned paychecks and get reelected.

Easy prediction:  an increasing number of the worst offenders in congress will not be reelected.

101 posted on 03/05/2005 12:25:29 PM PST by Zon (Honesty outlives the lie, spin and deception -- It always has -- It always will.)
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To: ancient_geezer

Since we are discussing the concept of "fair", please inform as to the legal definition of "fair" or even "fair tax". I'd be much obliged.

124 posted on 03/07/2005 6:34:28 AM PST by Final Authority
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