Why not have a wealth tax where a single tax rate for everyone would be applied against one's entire wealth?
Every politician born would then be working hard to keep costs and entiotlements down and the follow on tax to cover costs low.
Many truly wealthy people pay absoluitely no tax now....Thats what I call unfair.
Hogwash. It's not unfair. In fact it benefits all of us. What would have been paid in taxes instead is used for investment. Rich people create jobs...real jobs...while our taxes create unionized gubmint tenures and pay for boondoggles such as food stamps and the EPA.
Every politician born would then be working hard to keep costs and entitlements down and the follow on tax to cover costs low.
Many truly wealthy people pay absolutely no tax now....Thats what I call unfair.
I agree with you on ALL points!
How about we completely untax the poor and then progressively tax everyone's wealth at the point of retail sale when they spend it on new goods and services?
What would you say if I told you that there were bills currently before both houses of congress which would do all of those things and, at the same time, rid us of the progressive income tax both personal and corporate, the payroll tax, Medicare tax, as well as gift and estate taxes?
Well there are (HR25/S25) and all that is needed is a little more pressure from the grassroots to get them passed into law!
I have seen this written many times. Can you site, via a trustworthy link, one truly wealthy person who pays no tax? I'm not being argumentative, I'm hoping you can.
Dude, you'd create a disaster with that taxing wealth thinking. You are right though, "Wealthy" people pay smart people alot of money to shelter themselves under the current tax system. Actually, the best way to make "wealthy" people pay taxes is to go to a consumption tax, if thats your goal. What it does for all people, is have control over their own money. No taxes on income, just when you spend money.
"Many truly wealthy people pay absolutely no tax now....that's what I call unfair."
Ol' Charlie is probably one of them.
I pay more tax in a month now than I took home in my paycheck when I was 20.
Wealth and income are 2 entirely different things. Put down the crack pipe and hop back on D.U. for some low IQ fun.