To: ppaul; Buckeye Battle Cry
>U.S. troops "attempted to
warn the driver to stop by hand and arm signals, flashing white lights, and firing warning shots in front of the car
There have been reports
of people getting dragged from
their cars and murdered.
Maybe the driver
believed there was an ambush
and tried to run it.
To: theFIRMbss
***Maybe the driver believed there was an ambush and tried to run it.***
If that is their story - seems like an intelligence person would have done a U-ie instead of continuing to run toward it. You will never hear that story from the "hostage". Instead you will hear that she was targeted by the evil Americans.
To: theFIRMbss
There have been reports of people getting dragged from their cars and murdered. Maybe the driver believed there was an ambush and tried to run it. Nope, I don't believe so. They themselves say they were on a part of the road to the Baghdad Airport that is already secured by the Americans, therefore, I think your theory that the driver or occupants thought they would be kidnapped by Islamosfascsists or theives (and thus tried to run the roadblock) doesn't necessarily work. In fact, it points up the fact that the driver SHOULD HAVE OBEYED ORDERS/SIGNALS IN THIS SECURITY ZONE TO THE AIRPORT.
24 posted on
03/05/2005 7:47:13 AM PST by
(Illegal Aliens "Those Wonderful People" in Jail Now Are $1.4 Billion A Year For California Taxpayers)
To: theFIRMbss
Of course that's what happened. How was the driver to know it was the US military waiting for them or a bunch of jihadist savages?
I'm telling you the IQ level in here is dropping weekly.
25 posted on
03/05/2005 7:47:51 AM PST by
("It aint what you don't know that kills you. It's what you know that aint so" Theodore Sturgeon)
To: theFIRMbss
How about the Italian "Intelligence?" Service communicating to the U.S. Military their plan & route? This doesn't pass the smell test.
26 posted on
03/05/2005 7:47:59 AM PST by
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