Rolling Thunder has been taken care of. We will have to just see how many of them can make it our way. They have a fundraiser going on out on Ft. Bragg that same day.
Anyone who wants one of those foam mitts with the index finger, check your local craft stores. I found a white one at Michaels this weekend. I am to check back in a few days and see if they have gotten any more in. I had already checked out the spirit industries site and decided I couldn't afford it.
The flyers say "Rowan Park" is the site of our rally. If someone who doesn't know better goes looking for us IN the park, they aren't going to find us there.
Most of Ft Bragg is closed the fundraiser in an area civilians can visit to support RT?
If someone who doesn't know better goes looking for us IN the park, they aren't going to find us there
Hey uhhh....maybe I need some freepmail too.
Anyone who wants one of those foam mitts with the index finger, check your local craft stores. I found a white one at Michaels this weekend.
Thanks for this valuable advice. If I find some I will pick up extras.