May God have mercy on our nation when those who truly seek representative governance advocate deceptive marketing. The country is with us--the polls are never higher than when taking a solid stance. I pray for one who will do what our president has done; take a position and MEAN it.
There are two reasons his poll numbers aren't higher... the mainstream media (the main reason) and we don't always agree with everything he does... but he still does what he says. I can agree with that at least.
You don't have to lie to move toward the center. You just change what you talk about, and how you talk about it. You change the emphasis.
Bush did this with gay rights. Kerry charged early in the campaign that Bush was going to make gay marriage the cynical issue of the campaign. Bush did not do it. No one asked him about it until the very end of the campaign since the media did not want to give Bush the soapbox to make it an issue. As it turned out, his position is not all that much different from Kerry's, but since it was never brought up, except in passing, he avoided stating his position, and left his supporters thinking that he was well to the right of Kerry on that issue.