Nope, you're wrong. Too much file footage of her liberal rants for her to pull it off. If the republicans are smart, they will let her race to the center or even right of center and when she almost has folks convinces, flood the airways with her previous speeches and statements right from her very own mouth.
FOR THE RECORD "It's early yet, but at this point I'd say the most likely next president of the United States is Hillary Clinton. I'm not saying the odds of a Clinton presidency are higher than 50%, just that they're higher than for any other individual. In part this reflects the weakness of the Democratic Party. Whereas the GOP has a surfeit of plausible candidates, Hillary stands tall because her party is almost entirely populated by vertically challenged diminutive-Americans.
She's charismatic when compared with Nancy Reid and Harry Pelosi. She's charming when compared with Barbara Boxer and Howard Dean. And her views are sensible, moderate and patriotic when compared with the cynical defeatism of John Kerry and the borderline anti-Americanism of Ted Kennedy." --James Taranto