George W. "Haman" Greer believes that Michael R. Schiavo is a "caring and loving husband" who wants only "the best" for "his wife" Terri. Unfortunately, for Terri, "Haman" is popular in Pinellas Co. FL -- 65 percent in 2004! The O.T. "Haman" was not as fortunate as "Haman" Greer has been thus far.
How many judicial candidates seeking reelection don't break 75% of the vote?
Especially given that Greer cheated, while Govan was bound by very restrictive campaign rules, a 67% victory doesn't seem that impressive.
To understand this, we need to step back and look at the history and who's in control of Clearwater, Florida.
This information(s) might shine alittle LIGHT into this AO.
The Scientogists are every powerful , and control most of the local,county,'t. I think there HQ is based there ?(Clearwater) . Here's some data on them:
vet out.