Well we've already got some of that - Dick Morris is helping the UK Independence Party here. I am sure we will not be without friends come campaign time. Remember, if one country says "No", the entire house of cards comes crashing down.
Regards, Ivan
Here are some views posted at the BBC:
Apparently in a recent poll here, nine out of ten people said they had no idea about the contents of the EU's constitution. That says it all really.
Marcus, Madrid
Reports throughout Europe show that nearly 90% of the Spanish population had never actually read the charter and had no idea what it contains. Further, the number of Spaniards that voted was 20% less than those that voted in Iraq. This is not a ringing endorsement, even if the "yes" vote had a large majority. Kind of dispels the notion of the European public "being more informed" than Americans. A constitution that has 500 pages?! Europe could have borrowed all of the eleven pages America needed for its constitution and have been done with it.
John Willard, Atlanta, Georgia USA
In the UK, I feel that our politicians and media are seriously letting us down, and failing to uphold the most basic tenet on which democracy is based. I follow the news and current affairs with reasonable regularity and yet, until I clicked on the link below, I had no idea what the contents of the EU Constitution are. I didn't even know what basic principles it is based on. None of our politicians have, to my knowledge, offered any information or informed debate on what the EU Constitution means, and the press offer only shallow, sensational jingoism. In this light, abstention from voting, though entirely non-constructive, is the only informed decision one can make.
N Rhodes, Leicestershire, UK