Since we're talking about my statement I feel justified in jumping in. I don't think XJarhead is her target when she's provoking.
When I'm talking to the anti-life crowd I will suggest a law for a "male abortion." It would give men the right to file a statement of non-paternity at any time when it would be legal for the woman to have an abortion. It makes the child legally aborted as far as he is concerned. I would NEVER want such a law, but it sure causes the pro-death crowd to think. Usually it makes the pro-life crowd laugh because they see the point so quickly. But if it offended one I would quietly say, "You aren't the one I was aiming that barb at." (And grammar be da**ed.)
You really think it causes the pro-death crowd to think? I don't. It may make them angry, but in terms of taking it seriously, they'll ignore it. Its so over the top on its face that they don't need to addess the substantive point. And then they'll use the the fact that she makes over the top statements like that to dismiss anything she says, even it isn't so extreme.
You're right about it making the pro-life crowd laugh. And that's my point. She's basically an entertainer.