"If Mr. Schiavo succeeds legally in causing the death of his wife, this not only would be tragic in itself, but would be a grave step toward the legal approval of euthanasia in the United States."As regards Terri Shiavo's situation, that statement is both positive and definitive. It is clearly directled squarely at the Shiavo situation.,
"I would like to remind everyone in this connection, about all that the Holy Father has said in past days to the Pontifical Academy for Life, confirming that the quality of life is not interpreted as economic success, beauty and physical pleasure, but consists in the supreme dignity of the creature made in the image and likeness of God. No one can be the arbiter of life except God himself
Look, you can read into, or out of those words whatever you wish. I am expressing my own opinion of the matter and am glad to represent it only as such.
Consider Post # 62 before you unknowingly wrap yourself in the words of an institution ( the Holy See ) that applauds deceit.
With its resources (even those just in the US), did the vatican/rcc offer legal help? No. Did it say anything to local parishes about local actions or prayer meetings or visible presence? No.
All it did was compose something as tangible as a fax or an email rather than offer anything more substantial (such as mentioned above).
"Don't do this. That's bad. You should be doing [such]." That's all there ever is from Rome. If the courts and the animal schiavo have consistently tried to do everything within their power to get Terri dead, then WHY would they all-of-a-sudden listen to european words when they've disregarded everything people have been doing here so far?