Pound for pound, the members of that family ( badgers, wolverines ) are the meanest creatures on God's green earth. Best to leave them alone if they're in the vicinity.
Indeed. If you want to see some spectacular mustelid action (mustelids being members of the weasel family, of which wolverines and badgers are the giants), dig out the BBC Wildlife programme called "Stoats in the Priory" (its narrated by Sir David Attenborough). They filmed British stoats (known as the short-tailed weasel/ermine in N. America) single-handedly killing and dragging home rabbits that were four times their weight and size (stoats are smaller than squirrels!).
I love Badgers, from a distance. They have such loose skin that when bitten by a dog, they are nearly undamaged, but can turn inside their skin to get to the dogs muzzle and neck. Dogs seem to be unable to stay away from Badgers at first, but very quickly get their fill.