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To: VRWCisme

The article implied that homicide is the no. 1 killer of pregnant women because men are killing their pregnant girlfriends/wifes. That is false and the numbers do not support such false implications.

Look at these quotes from the article, and tell me if they don't imply that pregnant women face a higher risk of violence a the hands of their mates?

"An infant needs a lot more care, attention and time," he said. "Some men don't like that, and are threatened by children and even fetuses. So we see an escalation of violence during pregnancy."

"Where we think it's a time where women should be revered and taken care of, these men think it's taking the focus off of them," Ms. Flink said. "Sometimes it's a question of jealousy or paternity."

24 posted on 02/23/2005 1:54:44 PM PST by LibertyJihad
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To: LibertyJihad

According to the article (and I have no idea if it's numbers are right or not but for the sake of argument let's assume so) the number one reason for death among pregnant women who die is murder. If a higher number of those murders come at the hands of a boyfriend/spouse than someone else, then yes, pregnant women do face a higher risk of being murdered by a boyfriend/spouse than of dying by other means. That doesn't mean pregnant women face a higher risk than any other type of person or that all (or even a large number) of pregnant women face that risk. But some do, and it may well be that more pregnant women die under that risk than do under the risk of infection, illness, etc. during pregnancy.

I never said that these numbers could or should be used to support some crusade against men or that it means all (or even many) men are abusers. But some are, and sometimes two people die as a result. I know that the feminists like to use these numbers to attack men, but that doesn't mean the numbers themselves are anti-male. In fact, as we saw during the Laci Petersen case, when a pregnant women is murdered some people become more willing to see the unborn child as a human with a right to live, so the numbers about murder of pregnant women could be used to support a decidely un-feminist cause.

32 posted on 02/23/2005 2:11:32 PM PST by VRWCisme
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