Lets say out of 10,000 UFO episodes...9,999 are fairly disproven without alot of effort. And lets say that there are a fair handful of episodes that can't be disproven. And along the way, lets say that government involvement was implcated in some fashion...all just in a estimation...then I will give Peter his moment. I've seen enough government, FBI, CIA, and political lies...and wouldn't have much doubt that they retain something related to a visitation...if only wreckage from a non-earth satellite. Lets put the facts on the table and actually see what shows up. Surely we have nothing to lose, and the government has nothing to lose.
9,999 OUT OF 10,000 IS NOT QUITE ACCURATE by a significant margin. But I don't remember the better, more accurate stats. Perhaps Dave or someone else does.
There are a LOT more solid 'other' craft than that seen at fairly close range to very close range.