Okay, what programs will you cut to bring the Border Patrol up to the NYPD's manning levels? Or do you wish to raise taxes?
Where will the money come from?
I don't care what we cut; there is plenty of waste. How about let's take it out of foreign aide to Mexico?
Many of us see this as a pressing National Security issue. I don't know very many Republicans who are against spending money on National Security. We have found $200 + billion to fight the war in Iraq so I think we could probably find a billion or two to protect our homeland.
FAIR has a study that shows that at the Federal level, net of the taxes they pay, illegals cost the Federal treasury $10 billion and the same studies show that if you legalize them and let them start collecting benefits that the cost to the treasury will climb to $29 billion net of the taxes they pay. How are you going to pay for that? Raise taxes? Cut programs?
After 3 or 6 years when all these guestworker visas start to expire, the guests are not going to want to leave and will revert to illegal status. How are you going to pay for the massive new Federal bureaucracy that will be required to send 9 million former guests home? Raise taxes? Cut programs? It seems to me that increasing the border patrol is cheaper than the alternatives.
First cut the Dept. of Education. Second cut the National endowment for the arts. Third take a long hard look at the foreign aid that we throw away every year and cut that near in half. Cut the dept. of Agriculture. Cut tax dollars to Planned (murder) Parenthood.
I am sure many more could be cut.