> you have rejected Christianity because of the negative influence of Christians
That was one major reason, yes.
> You, orionblamblam, have rejected Jesus Christ
No. There's a difference between not accepting as fact and wholly rejecting.
> explain what you really meant
It's really quite simple.
1: Claim is made that the Bible is Without Error
2: However, taken literally (as opposed to allegorically) the Bible is CHock Full O' Error
Conclusion: somebody is lying to me. Either it's a lie when they say the Bible is error free (in which cas ethe Bible is nothign particularly special), or they are lying to me when they say that Creation and Noah myths are not allegory but instead literal fact.
In either case, when a reasonably intelligent child realizes thathis religious elders are lyign to him about their religion, that child begins to question the *entire* religion. Since science fully and satisfactorally answers the questions raised by those lies, and since science has immediate practical application in all aspects of life and yet says nothign about the existence or even necessity of a god or gods... agnosticism is a reasonable result.
And when as an adult many Christians continue their practice of lying (such lies as "those who use science and do not believe in God are thus 'worshipping' themselves or science or Mankind" or some such similar BS), that adult can only shake his head at the childishness of it all.
You are basing your view that the Bible is "chock full of errors" on insufficient information, which you could correct with more personal research.
As I have suggested in past posts, you might consider doing your own investigation, and not basing your views on the incorrect, or impartial things people have told you in the past.
On another thread, an older man (also an ardent evolutionist) said he had rejected Christianity because a Sunday School teacher had told him that women had one more rib than men, and thus was also 'lying' to him. If you look at what he was saying (or you) from an objective perspective, both arguments against Christianity fall short of logic.........especially for a scientific mind. The human error of the teacher does not negate the truth of God's word.
Christians aren't perfect. They make mistakes. Sometimes, they even go over the top with sarcasm. ;o)
You need to go to the Christ of Christian Scriptures (without error) and study what He has really said and done, and you will find out that His (historically provable) life is a fact, and His love for you is also a fact.