I found this item on local Lebanese politics while bopping around the web. This is kind of interesting in light of the assassination of Hariri the other day:
The case of the Armenian Evangelical candidate, Dedeyan, was slightly different. Except for die-hard Ramkavars and Jerejian supporters (who had made an electoral pact with Hariri), most Armenians in Beirut's First Electoral District took it as a national obligation to vote for Dedeyan against non-Armenian Evangelical candidates. Dedeyan had joined ranks with Fouad Makhzoumi, another rich Sunni businessman opposing Hariri, and the Armenian Unity Front had called on voters to support the former. However, there were many instances when Armenian voters chose Dedeyan, but voted for pro-Hariri and other candidates for the other positions on the electoral ticket. -------Armenian News Network / Groong , Review & Outlook http://groong.usc.edu/ro/ro-20000907.html , as retrieved on Feb 12, 2005
That would be a rivalry in the 2000 parliamentary elections in Lebanon, by the way.