To: Lexinom
That is exactly right.I've never seen an innocent life treated like shit as it is in this case.I am sorry for using that word but it's the only one that describes Terry's treatment by the courts and her pig of a husband.If they are allowed to kill her it will be one of the greatest injustices of our time.She has been cheated by her husband his lawyer and judge Greer from the very beginning and now it's like his hands are around her throat one last time squeezing the last bit of life from her in the end.
40 posted on
02/20/2005 7:15:54 PM PST by
(I'm Shocked That Terrorist Would Plan To Cross Our Borders Illegally. Yeah Right)
To: rdcorso
That is exactly right.I've never seen an innocent life treated like shit as it is in this case.I am sorry for using that word but it's the only one that describes Terry's treatment by the courts and her pig of a husband.If they are allowed to kill her it will be one of the greatest injustices of our time.She has been cheated by her husband his lawyer and judge Greer from the very beginning and now it's like his hands are around her throat one last time squeezing the last bit of life from her in the end. If any honest judge were on this case at the trial-court level(*) M----e- Schiavo would have been kicked out on his rear ages ago.
(*) I don't attack the appellate court judges as some here do. Judicial protocol is that determinations of witness credibility, no matter how outrageous, are not subject to appellate review. If the witnesses Greer found credible were telling the truth, and if those he found not credible were lying, then his decisions would be legally correct. Any normal person might be able to see that Michael and his hired friends are liars, but appellate courts aren't allowed to look at that.
44 posted on
02/20/2005 7:26:38 PM PST by
(For Florida officials to be free of the Albatross, they should let it fly away.)
To: rdcorso
"If they are allowed to kill her it will be one of the greatest injustices of our time."
I think you explained it well. I think Terri will be both an example and a martyr. I think if they are able to kill her, her death will be held up as an example of the worst of evils embraced by mankind.
For me, the dividing line between good and evil, God and Satan, death or life, is becoming sharper with each passing day. All that's left is for us to decide which side we are on.
45 posted on
02/20/2005 7:29:11 PM PST by
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