Hollywood can't get enough of mocking Christians who believe in creationism. Read your children this article. Explain to them that marijuana damages chromosomes. Ask them if they want to end up floundering in the damaged gene swamp, voting Democrat and hunting down "body thetans"? A good object lesson why your children should revile hippies, drugs and liberal Democrats.
The people are nutz.
Someday soon, hideous but benign aliens will land on the Washington Mall and demand to see, not President Bush, but a really good tort lawyer.
Within days they will file thousands of defamation suits seeking compensation for anguish and suffering caused by false allegations of kidnapping, torture, cattle-rustling and air-traffic control violations.
found this site, hhtp://www.apologeticsindex.org/s04a04.html quite an interesting read.
Well .. when the Rapture occurs and all the Christians leave the planet - maybe she will declare she has effected an actual "clearing of the planet". LOL!!
I won't be here so I won't care what she does or says.
I don't think I could ever be brainwashed into being a Scientologist, but I'd be willing to let Jena give it her best shot.
She continued that the more successful I became, the more suppression I bumped into especially in the entertainment industry, which really is home to rabid suppression.
She discusses smoking pot and doing dancing gigs (she was on tour with ZZ Top as a "She's Got Legs" girl) before she was introduced to Scientology by her husband, Bodhi, an actor and writer.
Now, when she's down, she goes to the E-meter, a device used by Scientologists for "auditing" someone's mental state - but which some critics say is merely a lie detector. "You know how your head feels heavy when you're having a problem?" she tells the magazine. "It's actually mass that you can weigh. It's compressed mental energy. And the E-meter sees changes in that."
Quote from the Mirabella interview:
"Bodhi [Elfman, her husband] also introduced her to the Church of Scientology. 'He didn't push it on me or anything. I started becoming curious, from hearing him talk about it. I took a course where you get the basic concepts. It was everything I felt I already knew, but I was missing pieces, so I couldn't apply it to life.' She doesn't proselytize--'our founder, L. Ron Hubbard, says if it's true for you, it's true for you, and if it's not, it's not. There are all these misconceptions about someone pushing it on you'--but says that Scientology restored her confidence and helped her focus on career goals. 'I went, This is for me--I like this! It just kind of cleared everything out.'
"'Psychiatrists believe man is an animal, which means there's no soul, which I think is a lie.' The statement suggests acceptance of Scientology's virulent antipsychiatry stance, and a lack of experience with therapy, a fact she readily cops to. She favors a Scientology process involving a machine called an E-meter. The subject holds two canlike objects hooked up to the E-meter. 'You know how your head feels heavy when you're having a problem?' Elfman says. 'It's actually mass that you can weigh. It's compressed mental energy. And the E-meter sees changes in that.' A counselor asks questions about what might be bothering you, Elfman explains, and if your response jolts the needle on the E-meter, you know you've found the root of your problem. 'The counselor helps you pinpoint exactly, so there's no maybe-it's-this, maybe-it's-that. There's lightning-fast progress, because you're handling only the charged areas. You don't dilly-dally. What you can do in literally about a half hour will take people a year or two to do in therapy.'"
Um. I'm not sure what to say here.
"Clear me", baby.
Ever seen her interviewed? She's dumber than a box of rocks.
So that explains the Democrats...........
Now we know where they came from.........
The Cult of ScientologyTM has the goal of "clearing the planet" of all its excess cash wasting space in people's bank accounts.
Coincidentally, the featured article today on Wikipedia is the entry on Xenu.
Ping to an example of Scientology from our earlier discussion.