Frankie: Oh, it's the same old, "one God-three God" thing. Father Horvak: Frankie, most people figure out by kindergarten that it's about faith.
Frankie: Is it sort of like snap, crackle, and pop, all rolled into one big box?
Gotta love those straw man debates in movies. Ever see a shamrock, Clint? Next St. Patrick's day, ponder how he explained the Trinity to the Irish.
I look forward to reading your more intelligent remarks, after you have seen the flick. Meanwhile, I question your assumptions.
77 posted on
02/18/2005 4:57:56 PM PST by
("And when Moses saw the golden calf, he shouted out to the heavens, 'Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!'")
I don't have to see the movie to recognize a straw man argument when I see one. That the character was jerking a priest around to annoy him or whatever else he was doing doesn't change the fact that the point is silly and the priest's reply even sillier.