I didn't know anything about the pro-euthanasia message in this film but made the conscious decision NOT to see it because any picture about women getting socked in the face for a living (even if it is willingly) does nothing for me.
Zip, zilch, nada!
Everyone should go see "Beyond the Sea". Now THAT is a good movie.
Zip, zilch, nada!
I have no use for females boxing, either, but made an exception, because of who made the movie. But the movie has no pro-euthanasia message. Don't let the yahoos fool you. They didn't even see the movie.
Everyone should go see "Beyond the Sea". Now THAT is a good movie.
I heard that Kevin Spacey did his own singing, and even sounded like a reincarnation of Bobby Darin. It never occurred to me before the movie came out, but Spacey resembles Darin. I look forward to renting it.