Have often wondered if President Bush sees this warning, as clearly
Oh yes. This infiltration, usurpation of the dem party by the socialist/Marxist has been going on for 25+years. And TeddyBoy is the puppet leader. Don't forget Daddy Bush was, among other things, head of CIA...they know where the bear does his doody in the buckwheat.
I have always suspicioned that the "Western White House" was built on the ranch - in the middle of thousands of wide open acres - for total security from any kind of listening "bugs" - which any place in DC, even the WH, could be seeded with. "W" conducts a lot of business with both his cabinet members and world leaders there - far from interference of any kind. I believe it drives the libs mad...and they try to denigrate it by always referring to him, when there, as "on vacation again"
Well, I feel better knowing that for sure. . .LOL!