To: wagglebee
They should be tried as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!
Their efforts were directed at illegally influencing a Presidential Election.
To: leprechaun9
I agree. What if one of these vans crashed and killed people because of a sabotaged tire? What and who was next on their terror agenda?
19 posted on
02/16/2005 6:07:17 PM PST by
(Bush said the "F" word 27 times January 20th, 2005!)
To: leprechaun9
To: leprechaun9
Their efforts were directed at illegally influencing a Presidential Election. Those tires definitely had civil rights written all over them. This should not be taken lightly. They should get 10 years. My bet is they will get probation.
38 posted on
02/17/2005 2:46:15 AM PST by
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