Sean "cherry-picks" the laws he wants to go along with
He not only mouths that, he actually bragged on his talk radio show about illegally hiring illegal alien crews - and then he justified/excused it- and he still does!
You are correct - if Sean Hannity will break one federal criminal law and justify it - what other laws will Sean (like Slick Willie) take the "short-cuts" on?
Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Monica Crowley, Michelle "INVASION" Malkin, Steve Malzberg-(no longer at WABC 770am NYC) say this is the #1 issue facing the USA today - the common thread used by 911 skyjackers, crooked greedy employers, crooked DMV & SS staff selling IDs, sleezy politicians.
My liberal NYC sister sez that this is her big "break", with with hundreds of her lib biz and personal friends, with the lefties of the democrat party and crooked NYC (and other USA areas also) employers.
She recently went thru all kinds of bull getting her Driver's License renewed with many valid American IDs while non-English speaking illegals (with obviouly fake IDs) sailed right past her anf got Driver's Licenses!
While Sean justifies his criminal hiring of many illegal aliens - I wonder how many people would justify "sharing" Hannity's new luxury 4WD SUV?
NYC minorities and other higher unemployment urban areas would not have such high unemployment and high crime if illegal aliens were not hired under the table.
Now it is hitting middle class workers also.
Radical judges ordering governments to hire illegal aliens and give them US citizen benefits.
The line is drawn.
Sean Hannity is on Teddy-Jo Kennedy's side on this one!
He's going to be knocked down a knotch
Sean has hired illegal aliens??