No doubt. In my daughter's school not one but TWO 13 year olds are PREGNANT. They are both black. The parents have stated that they are THRILLED!
Go figure.
Ouch. If that sort of thing is very common/accepted, it's time to look for a new school.
Their married parents are thrilled? Odds of two black girls having married parents are about two to one against.
The educational problems referenced in the article flow directly from the huge OOW births in the black population. They have reduced it to near criminal, near poverty status everywhere.
In 1960 the OOW birth rate for blacks was similiar to that of whites, less than 20%. Now, thanks to the welfare system's explosion, it is 75-80% which means disaster for everyone including those of us who are not black since we will be paying the costs of such irresponsibility. On the bright side though it keeps employment in the prison industry very high.