I respect life also, and am glad your friend makes the most of his. I know I would absolutely freak out if it happened to me, and feel nauseous just thinking about it. For me it would be absolute torture and I imagine it would be like drowning and unable to get your breath, or tied up in a straight jacket and locked in a closet, I just absolutely could not deal with it. It is a real fear or problem I have. If someone I loved wanted relief, I would totally understand.
This is a very different issue than protecting the unborn, the unborn are not in a torture chamber.
..this is not a different issue from murder of the baby in utero.
It's all part and parcel of the 'slippery slope'...that's been accelerating for years.
Thirty-two years ago, our nation allowed the preborn to be killed in the womb and over 40 million have been murdered.
...Euthanasia is simply part of this terrible trio.