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To: UpHereEh

Down here where I live the bikers come out in droves on pretty days, they ride sometime in Twos blocking the highway and making cars go around them riding 15 on a 50 MPH narrow highway is pretty arrogant as well as dangerous.How many of us have driven thru the city as bikes come down between cars where they dont have a lane, and how many of them seem to think stop lights have no meaning for them, Yet they cry the loudest when a car hits them. Now we have a 7 year old riding a bike on a bike lane where he belongs and this "lady" rollerblading and out of control runs into him while he is stopped. She is wrong. Anyone who hits a standing object in broad daylight is wrong.

87 posted on 02/11/2005 11:58:49 AM PST by sgtbono2002
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To: sgtbono2002
Now we have a 7 year old riding a bike on a bike lane where he belongs and this "lady" rollerblading and out of control runs into him while he is stopped. She is wrong. Anyone who hits a standing object in broad daylight is wrong.

The story isn't exactly crystal clear on what happened. If the kid was riding on the right side of the trail and moving fairly straight, no problem. I have been skating slowly (because I watch out around kids) and all of a sudden the kid turns and blocks the trail while I'm right there. Or, a kid will be off the trail and pull out perpendicular to the trail and stop. There's nothing that I could do but collide with the kid or go off the trail, which sometimes is painful.

The standing object is not always in the right if the object doesn't have the right-of-way.

94 posted on 02/11/2005 12:07:39 PM PST by You Dirty Rats (Mindless BushBot)
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