"Troll. This thread is serious regardless of what your ilk would like to add. BTW, I'm not new. " Incase you couldnt tell, half is just guys being goofy.
And you havent added anything serious to our conversation other than demonstrating that its possible to be here 5 month without learning what happens when you click on a freezers name. But you picked up name calling real quick like. Youre a learner!
"And you havent added anything serious to our conversation other than demonstrating that its possible to be here 5 month without learning what happens when you click on a freezers name. "
I haven't had a conversation with you. And I checked your posts and it turns out that you missed the
serious portion of the thread which took place last Friday. You just decided to show up today to be Goofy.
"[Exception for a Hot pedophile]" Elf Man2.
Troll. Grub.
BTW, I'm not new regardless of what some tiny hyperlink states. You actually know what a hyperlink is and how to operate it. Genius.