Nonsense. You don't understand the Bible.
I understand it quite well. I'm sure you'll explain to us how some gap theory fits in or some nonsense about how day combined with the definitive article somehow can be translated as millions of years when there is no basis for it. Or perhaps you try to state it based on the notion that "a day is unto a thousand years and a thousand years unto a day" with God. Problem is, you have a definitive limit in taking that literally - moreover, it is speaking of God's experience of time, not ours. It's akin to saying man, felt like I was at work for a week today. It isn't saying days are thousands of years, it's marking the difference in how God looks at it.
And you're an elder!? I know the theories above because they were all hacks meant to try and reconcile (beggingly so) evolution and scripture. They can't be reconciled. And there is no reason to reconcile them. Evolution isn't science. It is a belief system. And Day, in Genisis, meands "Day". The plants were created in a day, the next day the sun was created and gave them light so they wouldn't die, On a prior day, the waters were seperated above and below the sky. On a later day, the bugs were created to polinate the plants so they could exist over time. stretch those into ages or millions of years and everything dies. Plants wilt and die in darkness. Without plants the animals and bugs don't eat, etc. The story as is makes sense on it's face. As soon as you start tampering, we have to explain your tampering, not the story. Sounds like you need to go back to sunday school and start over.